I was inspired today to try and report the hacking, surveillance and intimidation that I was subjected to for 2 months + 2 years to the police for the second time, as they dismissed me the first time.

I hope the Met Police take it as seriously as Women Press Freedom do.
Considering I had therapy two years ago because I thought I was paranoid, after my laptop and phone were tampered with and other strange occurrences over a number of months while I was organising protests against the Nationality and Borders Bill and writing my investigative series on Imprisonment for public protection. It's about time there was some accountability.
Enough is enough.
Here's what I emailed today, Sunday, 24th November at 17:56
Hello PC Anderson,
I was actually wondering if you can help?
I tried to make a police report at the end of August at Lavender Hill police station about being hacked and surveilled (I found airtags) They were very unhelpful, despite me telling them I'm a journalist.
I have the police ID of the person who wouldnt take my report if you would like it. I also have lots of video evidence and screenshots of the hacking if you need them.
It seems to have been done from Wales on all my social media accounts on the same day and then again after. Whoever also tried to add their number to my email address, but I didn't screenshot it in time, but was able to block it. I have contemporaneous accounts of it on my social media, with time stamps.
My laptop was also tampered with.
See my union's statement about it here
Women in Journalism organisation reported the details here.
And there's more info here (my post was diverted for six weeks)
I went to the (post office) delivery office, they said there was no reason I should not be getting post as my regular postman was not off sick.
Please let me know if you need any further details. Happy to send it all at your request.
Look forward to hearing from you. My no.
In October I wrote a newsletter entitled ‘Fictional’ which detailed (in a comic manner) the nature of the work that I had done on the far right and high profile figures in England and Northern Ireland. And how the hacking and surveillance seemed designed to intimidate and stop me from finishing my investigative series on the Permanent State.
It remains my only newsletter that isn't behind a paywall, because I want people to read it and understand the campaign of harassment and intimidation I was subjected to. And I thought the comic telling might help people appreciate the actual terror of it all.

No doubt the Met police will read this newsletter, so I trust they will understand the terror I went through too.
On Friday someone tried to get into my flat whist I was in it. I made nearly contemporaneous notes because I wanted it documented.
Yesterday for the first time in two weeks in fear I slept with the lights on in my hallway and had my ladder against the front door. Something I hoped would never have to do again.
Update 25/11/24:
A reasonably quick response. Good to know that the police work at 01:36am on a Sunday night.
This reply from the police telling me I should report it at a police station is amusing as they wouldn't take my report last time I went there and said I should call 999 if in danger. Kafkaesque.
Seems the Police only help men. I.e Perpetrators of abuse as reports from earlier this year in Manchester suggest.
Have a great week.
P.S I know there is going to be some non-black women and/or middle class women who try to take my experiences and use them as their own. Trust me, I will hunt you down if you do and you will catch these hands